What is it?

I like to eat. No, you don't understand, I love to eat. For those that know me, that may not surprise you entirely. In high school I had a friend give me a compliment (well, I heard it as a compliment anyways) as he told me I was "the fattest skinny guy he knew." Now... Continue Reading →

Dinner Party Invite

Doesn't it feel good to be invited to something? I am not sure I could fully articulate why, but there seems to be something inside each human being that desires to feel a sense of belonging. Even if it is an event or dinner party we would never attend, it is still nice to receive... Continue Reading →

Life Hacks & Prayer

Have you seen those "life hack" lists floating around the interwebs? If you're looking for a little entertainment reading, google "Life Hacks." Then be prepared to laugh, be amazed, and learn a few tricks that ultimately help remove little frustrations in life. In a recent message, I correlated how prayer is a bit like those... Continue Reading →

A Peak Behind the Curtain

For several years I've employed a daily discipline of reading God's Word and journaling on what I read. Sometimes it's deep and thought provoking for me, sometimes, not so much. Most of the time I write short entries, but every once in a while they are longer. There are some days that I don't write anything.  The... Continue Reading →

Seed it

I like yard work. Well, I enjoy cutting my grass. Okay, okay - actually, I want to enjoy having a yard that all the neighbors are almost envious of. (You know, because envy is a sin and I'd hate to cause anyone to stumble and all.) So I choose to put the needed work in... Continue Reading →

Get Settled

 I hate moving. It’s a bit of a headache and point of stress for many, including me. I am thankful I’ve only moved three times since I married my wife twelve years ago. However, I love the feeling of relief you get when the last box is unpacked and everything is organized within its proper... Continue Reading →

Keep it zipped-up

Galatians 1: 15-17...."But even before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous grace. Then it pleased him to reveal his Son to met so that I would proclaim the Good News about Jesus to the Gentiles. When this happened, I did not rush out to consult with any human being. Nor did I go... Continue Reading →

Void of God’s Voice

"So Saul asked God.....but God didn't answer." Saul was in the middle of a series of battles. Philistine armies all around. Saul was determined to come out with victory. History tells us its never a good idea for Gods people to advance in battle without Gods command coming first. In Saul's desperation, he declares a... Continue Reading →

A Father’s Heritage

2 Samuel 7:11-16 // `Furthermore, the Lord declares that he will make a house for you—a dynasty of kings! 12 For when you die and are buried with your ancestors, I will raise up one of your descendants, your own offspring, and I will make his kingdom strong. 13 He is the one who will... Continue Reading →

the voices i see

I am sitting in a building in the middle of Los Angeles that is full of history and heritage. Though this building where one of the greatest pioneers in Christianity is rather inspiring, it doesn't silence what I've seen.Let me explain.Although this building has some grandeur to it, across the street is Echo Park. A... Continue Reading →

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